Gt. Yarmouth Denes
Jetty towermill No. 8A |
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c.1850 |
Gt Yarmouth Jetty tower mill was also known as York Road Mill or Papworth's Mill. It was built with 6 floors with a 7th floor having been added by 1838. The mill had a Norfolk boat shaped cap with a petticoat and a fantail. 4 double shuttered sails, each with 9 bays of 3 shutters powered 3 pairs of French burr stones a dressing machine, a flour mill and a jumper. A stage was set around the 4th floor.
By 1864 a steam engine and mill driving two pairs of French burr stones had been installed on the site to increase capacity. |
When dismantled in 1881 -
The windmill had an iron wind shaft, an iron upright shaft and 3 pairs of French burr stones, spindles and nuts and one extra pair stones. The steam mill contained a 12 h.p. vertical steam engine, a 16ft. 6in. x 5ft. Cornish Boiler with a 2ft. 9in. flue and a 6 h.p. vertical steam boiler and 2 pairs of French burr stones, spindles and nuts, |
The caption on the above photo appears to read:
Papworth's Mill and Fishing Boat Public Harbour (off York Road) New Parade in Yarmouth (site of Future Standard Hotel) |
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c.1878 behind the Sailors Home |
Rye considered this to be the last mill working on the Denes.
To be Sold by Auction by WM. BUTCHER at the Bear Inn, near the Bridge, Great Yarmouth on Wednesday March 11 1829 at 12 o'c A Superior Brick TOWER WINDMILL with Patent Sails, built in the most substantial manner, containing six floors, drives three pair of French stones, flour mill and machine, granary with two floors, good Dwelling house, Cottage, three-stall stable, cart house, piggery and two yards well enclosed. The above property is situate on Yarmouth Denes and has been built about four years. Mr. Morley on the Premises will shew the Estate. Apply to Mr. Wm. Butcher, Auctioneer & Land Agent, Norwich. Norfolk Chronicle - 21st February 1829 |
Sale postponed
from Wednesday 11 March to Wednesday 18 March. Norfolk Chronicle - 28th February, 7th & 14th March 1829 |
Notice re Bankruptcy of
John Morley of Great Yarmouth, Miller, Dealer & Chapman Norfolk Chronicle - 28th February 1829 |
To be Let with Immediate Possession. For 1, 3 or 5 years.
A Brick TOWER WINDMILL with patent sails and three pair of stones., Also a Dwelling house, Cottage and Granary adorning the same. The above property is situate on Yarmouth Denes and in complete repair. Apply to Mr. Butcher, Auctioneer, Norwich. Norfolk Chronicle - 28th March & 1st April 1829 |
To be Sold by Auction by John Sharpe
At the White Swan Inn, St. Peters, Norwich On Tuesday 30 June instant at 2 o'c A Capital Brick TOWER WINDMILL situate on the Denes, Great Yarmouth withy a Dwelling house and other premises adjoining, late in the occupation of Mr. John MORLEY. Leasehold of the Corporation of Yarmouth. Apply to Messrs. SEWELL, BLAKE, KEITH & BLAKE, Solrs. Norwich. Norfolk Chronicle - 20th June 1829 |
To be Sold by Auction by John Sharpe at the Star Inn, Great Yarmouth on Thursday 2 July next at 10 o'c
By Order of the Commissioners in a Commission of Bankruptcy against JOHN MORLEY. A Superior Brick TOWER WINDMILL with Patent Sails, built in the most substantial manner, containing six floors, a Granary with two floors, a good Dwelling house, Cottage, three-stalled Stable, Cart house, Piggery and two yards well enclosed. The above property is situate on Yarmouth Denes and has been built only about four years. It is Leasehold of the Corporation of Yarmouth for a term of 21 years which commenced on the 29th day of September 1825 and was late in the occupation of Mr. John MORLEY, the Bankrupt. Annual Ground rent to the Corporation £5. 5s. Apply to Messrs. SEWELL, BLAKE, KEITH & BLAKE, Solrs. Norwich; of Mr. Wm BUTCHER, Land Surveyor, Norwich, Norwich; & at the Place of Sale. Norfolk Chronicle - 27th June 1829 |
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c.1875 |
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St Georges Park c.1875 |
It is possible that William Butcher, auctioneer & land surveyor, bought the mill at the auction as he became the next leaseholder. Interestingly, he was not the auctioneer on that occasion.
North Wards & Midds. |
1st Quarter. 3 months at 1s. 2d. per month. Made 11 May |
Occupiers: E. & B. Foreman |
Rents |
Dwelling house Granary Stock Flour shop |
£12 2. 1. 5s. 6. |
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3 months Poor Rate |
£3. 14. 4½ |
Notice re Bankruptcy of
John Morley of Great Yarmouth, Miller, Dealer & Chapman Norfolk Chronicle - 19th June 1830 |
3rd Quarter. 3 months at 1s. per month. Made 2 November 1830. | |
Occupiers: E. & B. Foreman |
Rents |
Mill Granary Stock TOTAL |
£12 2. 1. 5s. £15. 5s. |
3 months Poor Rate |
£ 2. 5. 9 |
North Ward |
3rd Rate from Lady Day 1835 Made 10 November 1835 at 1s. 2d. per month |
Occupiers: FOREMAN, Emmanuel& Benjamin | ||
Rents |
Flour Shop, Quay Stock (£25 @ 5%) TOTAL |
£6 £10 5s. £7. 5s. |
Rate at 3s. 6d. in the pound |
£1. 5. 4½ |
South Wards & Mids |
3rd Rate from Lady Day 1835 Made 10 November 1835 at 1s. 2d. per month |
Occupiers: FOREMAN, Emmanuel& Benjamin | ||
Rents |
Dwelling House, Denes Mill Stock (£25 @ 5%) TOTAL |
£4 £20 £1. 5s. £25. 5s. |
Rate at 3s. 6d. in the pound |
£4. 8. 4½ |
Freehold Tower Windmill, Residence, Granaries etc. at Great Yarmouth.
Mr. Butcher will sell by Auction at the Bowling Green Hotel, Norwich, on 26 May, 1838. A Brick Tower Windmill, with seven floors, excellent granaries and outbuildings, Genteel Residence and Cottage, pleasantly situated on the Denes, near the jetty, Great Yarmouth, now in the occupation of Mr. Benjamin Foreman, under a Lease which will expire at Midsummer 1839. For particulars apply auctioneer, Norwich. Norfolk Chronicle - 21st April 1838 |
Freehold Mill at Great Yarmouth
To be SOLD VERY CHEAP Mr. BUTCHER will sell by Private Treaty. A Superior TOWER WINDMILL, with seven floors, a comfortable Dwelling house and Cottage, pleasantly situate near the Jetty, Great Yarmouth and now in the occupation of Mr. FOREMAN. This Lot will be Sold to Pay a Good Rate of Interest. Norfolk Chronicle - 12th May 1838 |
Regent Ward |
3rd Quarter (Michaelmas - Christmas) |
No. 151 Occupier: FOREMAN, Benjamin Owner: Himself |
House, Cottage, Mill, Offices & Yard Denes Estimated Rental Rateable Value |
£70 £56. |
Rate at 1s. 4d. in the Pound |
£3. 14. 8 |
Regent Ward |
Made 28 June 1850 |
No. 180 Occupier: FOREMAN, Benjamin Mrs. Owner: Herself |
Mill, Cottage, Stable & Flour Shop, Denes Gross Estimated Rental Rateable Value |
£70 £56. |
Rate at 1s. 2d. in the Pound |
£3. 5. 4d |
No. 181 Occupier: FOREMAN, Benjamin Mrs. Owner: Herself |
Flour Shop, Quay Gross Estimated Rental Rateable Value |
£20 £16 |
Rate at 1s. 2d. in the Pound |
... . 18. 8d |
To be Sold or Let for a Term of Years
A Capital TOWER WINDMILL in complete repair, driving three pair of French Stones, with Dressing Machine, Flour Mill, Jumper, Sack tackle, Warehouse and Dwelling house attached. Also with or without a Retail Flour & Corn Shop with Granaries, where a first rate retail trade has been carried on for many years. Immediate possession may be had if required. Apply to Mr. Wm. BIRD, Corn factor, Great Yarmouth or to Mr. E. FOREMAN, Miller, Pakefield. Norfolk Chronicle & Norwich Gazette - 12th October 1850 |
No. 256 Occupier: SEXTON, William Owner: FOREMAN'S EXECUTORS |
House, Mill & Shops, St George's Road Gross Estimated Rental Rateable Value |
£70 £56. |
Rate at 1s. 2d. in the Pound |
£3. 5. 4 |
Situations Vacant
WANTED, a Practical MILLER, one preferred who understands working a Steam Engine. Apply to Mr. William Sexton, Miller, Yarmouth. Norfolk News - 1st October 1864 |
Situations Vacant
WANTED, a JOURNEYMAN MILLER, a middle aged man and a good Stoneman. Enquire of William Sexton, Counting House, bottom of Broad Row, Great Yarmouth. Norfolk News - 9th December 1865 |
Situations Vacant
WANTED, a practical MILLER. Enquire of William Sexton, Counting House, Opposite Broad Row, Yarmouth. Norfolk News - 12th May 1866 |
Great Yarmouth
To be Sold or Let A TOWER WINDMILL with three pairs of French Stones and a STEAM MILL with two pairs of French Stones and all going gear complete. Large House with Flour Shop and Stables. Also two Flour Shops in the town doing a large retail trade. A Large Corn Trade. Present owner declining business having been in it many years. The Mills are situated on the Denes near Old Jetty, Yarmouth. Inquire at the Mills. Norfolk News - 3rd October 1868 |
re William SEXTON deceased
Claims against the Estate of William SEXTON, late of Great Yarmouth, Miller, deceased to Mr. Charles DIVER, Solr. 23 King Street, Great Yarmouth. 18 April 1879 Norfolk Chronicle - 26th April 1879 |
Preliminary Notice . . . Yarmouth |
WOOLVERTON & GEORGE are instructed to Sell by Auction at the Star Hotel, Great Yarmouth on Wednesday next at 4 pm. |
Preliminary Notice
Of the Sale of a capital Mill in full going order, with Yard and Premises attached, Two Dwelling houses and Two Shops, each having extensive Frontages to one of the best roads in YARMOUTH. WOOLVERTON & GEORGE will sell by Auction at the Star Hotel, the above very valuable PROPERTY situate on the St. Georges Road, lately belonging to Mr. William SEXTON, deceased. Date and further particulars will be advertised next week and may be had of the Auctioneers and of Mr. Charles DIVER, Solr. Great Yarmouth. Norfolk Chronicle - 11th & 18th October 1879 |
Important Sale of Mill and other Property at Yarmouth
WOOLVERTON & GEORGE will Sell by Auction at the Star Hotel, Great Yarmouth on Wednesday November 5, 1879 at 7 pm. in one Lot The following very valuable PROPERTY lately belonging to Mr. William SEXTON, deceased, situated on St. Georges Road in the best part of Yarmouth, comprising the "JETTY MILLS", one worked by wind being a brick Tower Mill driving three pairs of stones and the other worked by steam driving two pairs of stones, Engine room, nearly new Boiler, Shaft, Yard and all necessary Premises, Cart lodge, Sack room, Granary, 3-stalled Stable, Room in which is Oven, formerly used as a Bakers Shop and DWELLING HOUSE occupied by Mr. Charles PAPWORTH, whose tenancy expires at Michaelmas next, at an annual rent of £60. TWO SHOPS occupied by Mr. James JOHNSON and his under-tenant at an annual aggregate rental of £13. DWELLING HOUSE occupied by Mrs. SEXTON. The Auctioneers beg to call attention to the above Sale. It is a very valuable property as at present occupied and having an area of 5400 superficial feet and abutting on three good roads, it is a fine opportunity to purchase for Building purposes. Particulars of Mr. Charles DIVER, Solr. Yarmouth and of the Auctioneers where a plan of the Property may be seen. Norfolk Chronicle - 25th October & 1st November 1879 |
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1870 |
The caption on the above photo reads:
The Sailors' Home (pictured in 1870) is now the Maritime Museum for East Anglia. The building appears to have changed very little since then. But gone is the windmill seen in the old picture and of course there is No Parking . . . even for goat carts. |
To be Sold by Auction Early in January 1881
All the GOING GEAR of a STEAM & WIND CORN MILL at GREAT YARMOUTH now being taken down, comprising 12 horse power Engine and Cornish Boiler, nearly new, Iron Wind & Upright Shafts, 5 pairs French Stones with all the necessary Wheels, Spindles, Chains etc. Further particulars in future papers. Norfolk Chronicle - 18th December 1880 |
To Smiths, Millwrights, Engineers & Others
ST GEORGES ROAD GREAT YARMOUTH Messrs. SPELMAN have received instructions to Sell by Auction on Wednesday January 19, 1881 the MACHINERY & WOODWORK of the STEAM & WIND MILL known as "Sexton's Mill", St. Georges Road, Great Yarmouth (the Mill being now pulled down) comprising a Vertical Steam Engine 12 horse power, an excellent Cornish Boiler 16 ft. 6 in. x 5 ft. with 2 ft. 9 in. flue; a 6 horse power Vertical Steam Boiler, iron wind shaft, iron upright shaft, 5 pair French burr stones, one extra pair stones, 5 mill stone spindles and nuts, large spin wheel, bevel head wheel, flour machine, 3 sets of sack tackle and chain, a gun metal force pump with 2 ft. barrel in good order, iron shafting 2 feet diameter; 2 drums, large iron bevel wheel, iron pan, 9 stone of mill bills, a quantity of leather belting, scales and weights, lead pump, sack barrows, measures, sieves, about 400 sacks, old brass, the cap of the mill, wind gear, curbing and iron work, the wood beams used in the interior of the Mill and sundry wood, all of which may be viewed on the Morning of the Sale as lotted out. Sale to commence at 12 o'c at noon. Further particulars of Messrs. SPELMAN, Auctioneers & Estate Agents at Norwich & Great Yarmouth. Norfolk Chronicle - 15th January 1881 |
On Wednesday next
To Millwrights, Machinists & Others St. Georges Road, Great Yarmouth Messrs. SPELMAN beg to announce that the Sale of Mill MACHINERY, Boilers, Engine and other Effects which were advertised for Sale on the 19th January and Postponed in consequence of the severity of the weather, is fixed for WESNESDAY NEXT, February 2, 1881 at 12 o'c precisely. Further particulars may be had at the Offices of Messrs. SPELMAN, Norwich & Yarmouth. Norfolk Chronicle - 29th January 1881 |
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Street map drawn by Harry Apling Left of the map faces north |
Papworth's mill (formerly William Sexton's & Foreman's) stood opposite St. John's Church until 1881 upon a site now occupied by the Central Boarding House and shops upon St. George's Road.
H. B. Johnson, Local Windmills, Mercury - January 1928 |
Leaseholders according to Rye
John Morley, bankrupt William Butcher, 1829-1839 William Foreman William Sexton F. Carpenter |
c.1825: Mill built to replace the former smockmill |
If you have any memories, anecdotes or photos please let us know and we may be able to use them to update the site. By all means telephone 07836 675369 or
Nat Grid Ref TG53000721 |
Copyright © Jonathan Neville 2014 |