Gas Hill Gallants towermill |
The westernmost of the two Gas Hill towermills was often known as Gallant's Mil and stood just to the northeast of Kett's Castle Villa. The mill was variously a corn mill and a sawmill during its working life. |
The four storey mill had 14 and 18 inch brickwork. In 1834, the patent sails and a fantail powered a single set of French burr stones, a small pair of Peak stones with a flour mill and jumper. By 1837, the mill was using two pairs of French burr stones and by 1856 the mill had been converted to run as a sawmill, although the millstones were still in situ. |
William Smith, formerly of Sprowston, Norfolk, Baker and Miller, afterwards of the Hamlet of Thorpe, in the County of the City of Norwich, and late of Thorpe, next Norwich, Norfolk, Miller. Bankrupt. |
All that newly erected and substantial Brick Built TOWER WINDMILL, with four Patent self--regulating Sails, having one pair of French Flour Stones, and another pair of Stones for the purpose of manufacturing Empden Groats, with flour Mill, corn Screen, Cylinder and every thing Complete. |
ALL that New and Substantially Erected TOWER WINDMILL, containing four floors, with Patent Sails, and Winding Tackle, driving one Pair of French Stones, pair of Oatmeal stones, Flour Mill, &c. &c. situate near Kett’s Castle, on Mousehold Heath, Norwich, in the occupation of William King. |
Brick Tower Windmill, |
All that new built Brick Tower Windmill containing four Floors, with Patent Sails, and winding tackle, one pair of French Stones, pair of Oatmeal stones, Flour Mill and other Machinery, Fixtrures and Appurtenancies thereto belonging, situate in teh Hamlet of Thorpe in the county of the City of Norwich abutting on the road leading over Mousehold to Plumstead and now in the occupation of William King. |
William King had earlier been made bankrupt while running the Black Mill on Mousehold. |
In 1841, William King was given as a miller aged 60-64 living in Plumstead Road, Thorpe Saint Andrew’s with his wife Elizabeth aged 55-59. |
All that capital TOWER WINDMILL, with four floors and Patent Sails, winding herself, with an excellent pair of French Burr stones, new Flour Machine and Jumper, and a pair of small Peak Stones and requisite apparatus for Manufacturing Oatmeal, a capital shaft with head and spur wheels and all the Going Gears complete. The Tower is good sound 18 inch and 14 inch brick work, the beams and floors are substantial and durable, and the Mill is altogether well timbered. |
To Millers, Bakers & Others, |
All that Capital TOWER WINDMILL, with Four Floors and Patent Sails, winding herself, with an excellent pair of French Burr Stones, new Flour Machine and Jumper, and a pair of small Peak Stones and requisite Apparatus for Manufacturing Oatmeal, a capital shaft with head and spur wheels and all the Going Gears complete. The Tower is good sound 18 inch & 14 inch brick work, the Beams and Floors are substantial and durable, & the Mill is altogether well timbered. |
To Millers and Bakers, |
THAT capital TOWER WINDMILL, situated near the Norwich Gas Works, Bishop Bridge, now in a complete state of repair, with patent sails, driving two pair of French Burr Stones, new flour mill and jumper, with all her going gears complete, mill utensils, &c. |
THAT substantial well-built Brick Tower WIND MILL, driving two pair of French Stones, with Patent Sails, and all her Going Gears complete, situated near the Norwich Gas Works. |
Clement Rolling Gallant was born c.1829 in St. Martin at Oak, Norwich. He was the son of Clement Gallant, a gardener, and Maria Gallant. He was listed in White’s Directory of 1868 as a saw miller at Gashouse Hill and in Harrod’s Directory as a saw & planing miller at Mousehold. He was still at the mill in 1869, when the mill was put up for auction after the death of its owner. |
CLEMENT ROLLING GALLANT of the Hamlet of Thorpe, in the County of the City of Norwich, Timber Merchant and Sawyer, having been adjudicated a Bankrupt under a Petition for Adjudication of Bankruptcy, filed in the County Court of Norfolk holden at Norwich on the 19th day of January 1863. is hereby required to surrender himself . . . at the first meeting of Creditors to be held . . . 2nd day of February 1863 at 11 o'c in the Forenoon precisely at the office of the said Court, Princes Street, Norwich. |
Thomas Hitchen PALMER, |
Norfolk Chronicle - 24th January 1863 |
In the matter of CLEMENT ROLLING GALLANT, of the Hamlet of Thorpe, in the County of the City of Norwich, Timber Merchant and Sawyer, a Bankrupt. – Whereas at a Public Sitting of the Court held this day, the Court granted an Order of Discharge to the said Bankrupt. Notice is hereby given, that an Order of Discharge will be drawn up and delivered to the said Bankrupt after the expiration of thirty days from this date, unless, in the meantime, an appeal is duly entered against the judgement of the said Court. |
Norfolk Chronicle - 7th March 1863 |
Mr. Murrell has received instructions from the Executor of the late Roger Kerrison Esq. to Sell by Auction at the Maid’s Head Hotel, Norwich, on Tuesday August 10, 1869, at 6 for 7 o'c the following valuable properties |
MR MURRELL has received instructions to offer for SALE by AUCTION, at the Maid’s Head Hotel, Norwich, on Tuesday, August the 10, 1869, at Six for Seven o'clock in the Evening, the following valuable PROPERTIES: - |
Two of Clement Rolling Gallant’s children died within eleven days of each other over Christmas and the New Year of 1870-1. |
GALLANT. – On the 23rd ult., Alfred Joshua, youngest son of Clement and Amelia Gallant, of Thorpe Hamlet, aged 9 years and 3 months; also, on the 3rd. inst., Maria Amelia, second daughter of the above, aged 18. |
Harvey’s and Hudson’s Bankruptcy, |
MESSRS. SPELMAN have received instructions to SELL by AUCTION, on Tuesday, June 18th, 1872, at Two for Three o'clock, at the Royal Hotel, Norwich, the following ESTATES. |
Harvey’s and Hudson’s Bankruptcy, |
MESSRS. SPELMAN have received instructions to SELL by AUCTION, on Friday, June 21st, 1872, at Two for Three o'clock, at the Royal Hotel, Norwich, the following ESTATES. |
Clement Rolling Gallant was a passenger in one of the trains that collided head on at Thorpe, Norwich, on the 10th September 1874. He was conveyed home, having been much cut about the face, legs etc. His mother died in June 1879. |
In 1875 Clement Rolling Gallant was a tenant at Cann's sawmill in Philadlephia, New Catton. |
GALLANT. – On the 1st inst., at her son’s residence, Mousehold, aged 75, Maria Gallant, widow of the late Clement J. Gallant, many years gardener at Heydon-hall, in this county. Norfolk Chronicle - 7th June 1879 |
TO ESTATE AGENTS AND OTHERS. – WANTED to Purchase, for Cash, any quantity of BEECH, SYCAMORE, and HORSE-CHESTNUT TREES. – Apply C. R. Gallant and Sons, Mousehold Saw Mill, or Scoles Green Hoop Works, Norwich. |
One of Clement Rolling Gallant’s sons was married in May 1884. |
GALLANT – MOORE. – On the 7th inst., at St. Andrew’s Church, Thorpe, in this city, by the Rev. J. Pattison, Clement Philip, eldest son of C. R. Gallant, timber merchant, Mousehold, in this city, to Kezia, second daughter of Mr. Robert Moore, Plumstead-road, Thorpe. |
S. Mealing Mills is instructed by the Executor of the late C. P. Gallant to Sell by Auction at the Royal Hotel, Norwich on Wednesday April 26, 1899 at 6 for 7 o'c in the Evening in Three Lots:- |
Mr. S. Mealing Mills on Wednesday sold by auction at the Royal Hotel, the following city properties:- |
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O. S. Map 1883 |
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O. S. Map 1884 |
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Map 1885 |
Map 1794: Windmill
1872: Clement Rolling Gallant, sawyer Hamilton's 1879: Clement Rolling Gallant, saw mills, Mousehold Kelly's 1879: Clement R. Gallant, sawyer, Mousehold
Eyre's 1883: Clement Rolling Gallant, timber merchant at Scoles Green & Mill Road O.S. map 1884: Windmill
1899: C. P. Gallant, sawyer Collins' map 1899: Windmill April 1899: Mill advertised for sale by auction April 1899: Mill failed to sell at auction and was withdrawn at £125 c.1906: Mill demolished |
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to 1906+
historical material within this page © Michael Roots & Jonathan Neville |
design and website © Jonathan Neville, Norfolk Mills 2004 |